The Rotherham Rep is one of the premier dramatic companies in the region. Established in 1926, the Rep present four plays each season performing at Rotherham Civic Theatre. It comes as a surprise to many people that the Rep is run by volunteers and that its productions are created by people who are not paid, but who have a passion for theatre and are dedicated to producing work of the very highest standard.

Apart from an interest in theatre, people join for different reasons: for social contact, to gain experience before going to university or drama school, to utilise their technical expertise, or simply to find out how theatre works.

Producing any one of the four plays in our season is about much more than acting and requires a large team of people to put plays on:

Actors and a Director of course, but also:

A Set Designer,




The Stage Manager who runs the performances,

Possibly an Assistant Stage Manager and/or stage crew,

Sound operators

Set construction team

The “Get in” team, who help deliver and errect the set prior, to the performance run and the “Get Out” team, who take down the set and put everything away at the end of the performance run.

Then there’s the “Front of House” team. This is very important because legally 4 stewards must be present in the main auditorium at the Civic Theatre throughout the whole of a performance to ensure the audience’s safety.

To get an audience in to buy tickets we need people to carry out marketing and publicity functions, designing posters, keeping the website up to date, stuffing envelopes to send flyers and brochures to our mailing list…

Some of these tasks only need a commitment of an evening’s work. We are always short of people to help with front-of house duties and the bonus is that you get to see the show for free! Production roles usually require a commitment of 8-10 weeks, mainly during evenings.

How to Join:

To join the Rep we ask that any prospective member has a short informal interview. If you would like to make an application to join us, please click on the link below and send an email. We will contact you as soon as possible after receiving your application.

There is a membership fee to help towards the cost of insurance and our rehearsal space but this will be explained fully during the follow-up meeting. You will not be asked to pay anything unless you are invited to join us.

The current annual membership fee is £40. For those who are unwaged the joining fee is £25.
